There is treasure to be desired and
oil in the dwelling of the wise. Proverbs 21:20
Rosemary Essential Oil has been viewed as sacred by many civilizations for thousands of years. During the Middle Ages it was used to drive away evil spirits and as a protection from the plague.
Referred to as the "Herb of Remembrance", it is known for its ability to boost mental activity, ease respiratory issues, stimulate hair growth and reduce pain.
It has a strong herbal scent of evergreen with fresh woodsy undertones.
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Let's start with some basic information; a brief description of where the oil comes from, what it contains and how it is obtained. The following information is provided by Bill Fifield in his book "Integrated Guide to Essential Oils & Aromatherapy".
This is a book that I highly recommend by the way.
Family: (Labiatae)
Origins: Mediterranian area, but now cultivated worldwide. Oil producing countries are France, Spain, and Tunesia.
Other names: compass plant, incensier.
Description: A small evergreen bush with silver-green needle-like leaves and pale blue flowers.
Extraction: Essential oil by steam distillation
Botanical Part Used: fresh flowering tops
Principal constituents: Camphor, Pinene & Cineole. / Mainly pinenes, camphene, limonene, cineol, borneol, and others.
Integrated Guide to Essential Oils & Aromatherapy
by Bill Fifield (forward by Dr. Daniel Penoel)
Rosemary Oil comes from the pale blue flowering tops of a small evergreen bush. It originated in the Mediterranean area but can now be found worldwide.
It is a very versatile oil used in many areas such as:
Rosemary is one of the top 2 essential oils for supporting the adrenal glands and balancing cortisol levels.
Do you suffer from:
Use several drops on your neck as well as the lower back where your kidneys are located. Also diffusing the oil can be beneficial. (As an added bonus, add some Peppermint Oil to your diffuser)
Rosemary Essential Oil has powerful anti-inflammatory, anti-oxidant, antiseptic, astringent and detoxifying properties.
As a result of these properties Rosemary Oil is able to remove excess oils, tighten your skin, reduce the size of pores and flush out toxins. It can also tame painful inflammation and increase circulation around itchy pimples so that they are reduced in size and eliminated.
Rosemary is safe on your skin and will not cause unwanted side-effects like many products with synthetic ingredients.
Rosemary Essential Oil is easily applied by creating a paste or gel using the following recipe:
In addition to this topical application of gel, I suggest you treat the condition internally with Peppermint Oil for 20 days. (see instructions on my Peppermint Oil page)
Other Oils for Acne Main Page - Acne Skin Care
As we age, we face increasing attacks from damaged cells called “free radicals”. These free radicals cause damage in healthy cells leading to aging, arthritis, cancer and heart disease etc.
The most powerful weapon we can use against free radicals comes in the form of “antioxidants” which can be found in foods such as red/purple berries, dark green vegetables, fish, nuts, whole grains and ….. some essential oils.
Rosemary Oil (blended 50:50 with a carrier oil) can be taken internally by Gelatin capsules as a supplement or massaged undiluted onto the bottoms of your feet daily.
See also "Brain Health and Memory" category below.
Other Oils for Anti Aging Main Page Anti Aging
Rosemary Essential Oil is the number one essential oil for brain health and memory; it is also great to use for "brain fog" and Alzheimer's.
Diffuse a blend of Rosemary with Vetiver and Cedarwood whenever you want to increase your mental acuity and memory.
Once or twice a day, take about 3 drops of oil and massage it on your temples, scalp and the back of your neck. To help with coverage I also recommend mixing in a bit of fractionated coconut oil.
For children with ADHD try a blend of Cedarwood, Lavender, Rosemary and Vetiver.
Rosemary Oil blended 50:50 with a carrier oil can be massaged into effected areas to stimulate your cardiovascular system, treat varicose veins and overcome exhaustion.
Hardening of the arteries or arteriosclerosis can also be treated this way and, as a result, you may find issues like headaches and heart palpitations are reduced.
Other Oils for Circulation Main Page for Blood Circulation
Rosemary Essential Oil has the ability to clear away phlegm, mucus, and inflammation in your respiratory system which makes it very effective in the treatment of cold and flu symptoms.
A couple drops of Rosemary oil can be placed on a tissue or on your palms and inhaled directly.
Rosemary Essential Oil can be taken internally. Mix it 50:50 with carrier oil in a gelatin capsule and consume one with each meal.
Blend with a carrier oil (50/50) and apply to the upper part of the breast bone (Sturnum).
Apply directly to the wrist where you take your pulse or on the balls of your feet.
Other Oils for Cold & Flu Main Page - Cold & Flu
Because of its analgesic, anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, antibacterial, anti-fungal and antiseptic qualities Rosemary Oil is known for its effects on various skin conditions such as dermatitis, eczema, scabies, wrinkles as well as dry skin.
It's scent has a strong, herbal, evergreen, minty, fresh and woody-balsamic undertone.
Other Oils for Deodorant Main Page - Natural Deodorant
If you are suffering from fatigue or nervous exhaustion diffuse some Rosemary Essential Oil into the room or put 20 drops in a cup of Epsom Salts and take a nice relaxing bath.
A couple drops of Rosemary oil can also be placed on a tissue or on your palms and inhaled directly. This works great to remove a cloudy mind or confusion when your energy levels are low and, of course, it makes for a great depression remedy.
Other Oils for Depression Main Page - Depression Remedy
Rosemary Essential Oil can be taken internally to treat digestive problems like excess gas, diarrhea, colitis and liver disorders. Mix it 50:50 with carrier oil and consume one gelatin capsule with each meal.
Other Oils for Digestion Main Page - Digestion Problems
The Therapeutic Potential of Rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis) Diterpenes for Alzheimer's Disease.
If you are suffering from fatigue or nervous exhaustion diffuse some Rosemary Essential Oil into the room or put 20 drops in a cup of Epsom salts and take a nice relaxing bath.
A couple drops of Rosemary oil can also be placed on a tissue or on your palms and inhaled directly. This works great to remove a cloudy mind or confusion when your energy levels are low.
Other Oils for Emotional Balance
Rosemary Essential Oil naturally thickens your hair and supports hair growth.
Rosemary is especially well known for its usage in hair care and has even been known to stimulate hair growth or to slow down premature hair loss. Try mixing a few drops with your hair care products or even with a little water and apply it to your scalp every day to combat dandruff as well as dry flaky or greasy hair.
Rosemary is the number one herb that will help block Dihydrotestosterone (DHT), a hormone that causes mail pattern baldness as well as thinning hair in females.
Take one drop in a gel capsule 2 - 3 times a day.
To increase the thickness, you can make your own shampoo. Mix 5-10 drops with about a teaspoon of warm Aloe Vera and massage it into your scalp for about 1 minute. Leave it in your hair for at least a half hour prior to taking a shower. (If you prefer, you can even leave it in your hair all day)
It also works great against a lice infestation or, mixed with a little water and sprayed on your skin/clothing as a mosquito repellent.
Other Oils for Hair Main Page Natural Hair Care
Rosemary essential oil has a long history for its ability to treat headaches because of its analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties.
It also has the ability to lower stress and calm your nerves which means you can often use it to avoid tension headaches before they start.
Mix rosemary with a carrier oil and apply it to your temples, forehead as well as the back of your neck.
It can also be diffused or added (20 drops) to a cup of Epsom Salts and taken in a nice relaxing bath.
Other Oils for Headache/Migraine
Main Page - Remedy for Headache Main Page - Migraine Remedy
Apply a drop of Rosemary Essential Oil undiluted on a cut to stop it from bleeding.
For nosebleeds Rosemary can be applied over the bridge of your nose with a cold damp washcloth.
Other Oils for Healing Main Page Healing Oil
In order to strengthen your immune system and avoid infections, colds or the flu, diffuse Rosemary Essential Oil into the room twice daily.
Other Oils for Immune System
Because of Rosemary Oil's ability to fight inflammation it can naturally balance out cholesterol levels and even help fight Diabetes.
Other Oils for Heart Health
Rosemary can be used for Liver/Gallbladder detoxification or what Chinese medicine refer to as toning and strengthening an organ.
Diffuse the oil and rub it on your neck and over the liver/gallbladder area. (3-5 drops just under the bottom rib on the right hand side)
The camphor, pinene & cineole properties of Rosemary make it very effective in combating inflammation pain, especially joint or muscle pain.
Massage 50:50 Rosemary and carrier oil into your muscles to reduce pain, rheumatism, gout and water retention.
You can create your own muscle rub using warming and cooling oils in order to increase the effectiveness. Mix fractionated coconut oil with Wintergreen or Peppermint oil to cool the area, Rosemary for the inflammation and Ginger Oil for the heat.
To assist with bronchitis, asthma, laryngitis, whooping cough etc. try using one or more of the following applications of Rosemary Essential Oil:
Other Oils For Your Respiratory System Main Page - Respiratory Problems
Rosemary essential oil showed pronounced antibacterial and antifungal activity against all of the tested microbes.
Because of its antimicrobial and antiseptic qualities Rosemary Oil is known for its effects on various skin conditions such as dermatitis, eczema, scabies, wrinkles as well as dry skin.
Apply it topically in a 50:50 blend with a carrier oil for larger areas or undiluted for localized conditions.
It will stop the bleeding if you apply it undiluted to a cut or sore.
Other Oils for Your Skin Main Page - Skin Treatment
Rosemary Oil has the ability to clear away phlegm, mucus, and inflammation in your respiratory system which makes it very effective in the treatment of cold and flu symptoms.
Rosemary Essential Oil can be taken internally. Mix it 50:50 with carrier oil in a gelatin capsule and consume one with each meal.
Other Oils for Sore Throat Main Page - Sore Throat Remedy
Rosemary Essential Oil can be used to ease headache pain and relieve dizziness. It can be used to help treat as well as prevent the occurrence of vertigo symptoms.
As a treatment, add 3-4 drops to a pot of steaming water and inhale deeply.
Chronic sufferers may want to try diffusing a few drops daily, especially in the bedroom at night. As a bonus, it will help provide you with a great sleep.
Other Oils for Vertigo
Blends well with:
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I don't sell oils but here are my
recommended sources.
The companies I use and recommend guarantee the quality of their oils and I believe you will be satisfied with all your purchases, I am.
If you have any questions/concerns feel free to contact me.
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