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Blackhead Remedies

Essential Oil Remedies

Many Essential Oils in natural blackhead remedies can be used as an overnight treatment killing bacteria and remove blackheads. Essential oils are excellent for your skin and can be combined with carrier oils for sensitive skin. Tea tree oil works as well as benzoyl peroxide

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Juniper Essential Oil

Juniper Berries

Juniper Essential Oil treats acne & eczema; promotes intestinal function; addresses liver, gallbladder and kidney stone issues; helps with urinary tract infection, diabetes & painful menstruation. It removes uric acid responsible for gout & arthritic/rheumatic conditions

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German Chamomile Essential Oil

German Chamomile

German Chamomile Essential Oil helps with painful conditions like arthritis, neuralgia, rheumatism, sprains, & menstruation. Antibacterial & anti-fungal properties work against Candida. It helps reduce gas, nausea, colic, indigestion, acid reflux & prevents asthma/allergies

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Essential Oils for Allergies


Essential Oils for Allergies

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Skin Treatment Using Essential Oils

Skin Care

Essential oils can provide skin treatment for all sorts of conditions from acne to wrinkles no matter if they are simple surface irritation, symptoms of diseases/health conditions or just aging

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Natural Treatment for Diabetes


Essential oils used in a treatment for diabetes. Increasingly oils are studied & recommended by doctors for their abilities to lower blood glucose, promote secretion of insulin in the pancreas, enhance absorption & exert a positive effect on blood pressure & circulation

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Black Pepper Essential Oil


Black Pepper Essential Oil promotes normal circulation, digestion and respiratory function. It can stimulate your appetite & ease tired muscles. It has been used in dentistry as an antiseptic remedy for tooth-decay and gum swellings

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Helichrysum Essential Oil


Helichrysum essential oil has the amazing ability to eliminate bruising & assist in healing damaged tissue. Used for respiratory complaints, skin conditions, headaches, liver diseases, allergies. Effective for cold, flu, tinnitus, bruising, nerve damage & as a calming oil

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List of Essential Oils


List of Essential Oils that appear on this website. Essential oils have been used for natural remedy for 1000s of years. They are highly penetrating and travel through the body cleansing & repairing where needed

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Natural Remedy Using Oils

Mortar & Pestle

Essential oils have been used for natural remedy for 1000s of years. They are highly penetrating and travel through the body cleansing & repairing where needed. Oils have powers to change your health by increasing vitality, reducing toxicity and removing blockages to energy

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Ingesting Essential Oils

Drinking essential oils directly from the bottle

Safely Ingesting Essential Oils. Are you skeptical about ingesting essential oils? Many people have been told essential oils should never be ingested

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Digestion Problems - Essential Oils


Digestion problems like constipation, diarrhea, indigestion, nausea & stomach aches can be eased using essential oils. Even some diseases such as Irritable bowel, hepatitis, pancreatitis, diverticulos

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Myrtle Essential Oil


Myrtle Essential Oil is gentle enough for children & the elderly. It can treat an enlarged prostate (BPH); stimulate the thyroid (hypothyroid); treat urinary tract/prostate infections, help insomnia. Its anti-inflammatory properties help ease a sore throat and calm a cough

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Toenail Fungus Remedy

Nail Fungus

The usage of Essential oils in a toenail fungus remedy is very effective due to their complex nature, powerful anti-fungal properties and ability to work together in synergy with other oils. Let’s discuss oils as a very effective short-term relief as well as a long-term cure

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Oregano Essential Oil


Oregano Essential Oil is very potent against allergies, asthma, skin infections, strep throat, coughing & sneezing. It is anti-spasmodic, anti-convulsant, pain-killing, anti-inflammatory, & antiseptic which helps relieve inflammation including Irritable Bowel and Leaky Gut.

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    Benefits of Essential Oils

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    Carrier Oils are used to dilute essential oils prior to applying thereby allowing you to experience health, & wellness benefits of essential oils without irritation. A good carrier will not adversely alter the overall effect, aroma or results of the essential oil being used

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    Essential Oil Accessories

    Essential oil accessories that you may be interested in purchasing and thereby help with the expense of maintaining this site

Where Can I Get These Oils?

I don't sell oils but here are my
recommended sources.

The companies I use and recommend guarantee the quality of their oils and I believe you will be satisfied with all your purchases, I am.

If you have any questions/concerns feel free to contact me.

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Essential Oil Diffusers


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