Ingesting Essential Oils

Drinking essential oils directly from the bottle

Are you skeptical about ingesting essential oils? It's a common concern, and many people have been told that essential oils should never be ingested.

However, there is evidence suggesting that many essential oils can be safely consumed under specific conditions.

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Why do so many sites say, “Don’t ingest ANY essential oils?”

  1. Essential Oil Potency – Essential oils are extremely concentrated and can-do internal damage if not taken in very small quantities; often diluted with water or carrier oils. Always follow the instructions provided by the seller.
  2. Purity, Quality and Type - Cheap ingredients are often used to make sales more profitable. In many cases products are made to “smell” like an oil but do not in fact, contain essential oil ingredients. In this case, they should not be used in any way other than as perfume. Lower quality synthetic and altered oils should never be used; let alone consumed.
  3. Adverse Reactions – Just like consuming any food, you may be allergic to it, or it may adversely affect medications.
  4. Possibility of Lawsuits – Rather than take the chance, many suppliers would rather go on record by saying “don’t ingest” so they have a defense if one of the above reasons apply.
  5. Ignorance of the Facts – Since so many sites have taken the “don’t ingest stance”, It’s easier to go along with the narrative than to do the research.

It’s entirely your choice but I would like to go on record by saying you are passing on a very powerful and safe method to treat many conditions that we face every day. In many cases ingesting can be more effective than diffusing or applying topically.

My Suggestions?

  • Do your own research
  • Ensure you are buying from a reputable and trusted source
  • Follow directions (some oils should not be ingested)
  • If your supplier says not to ingest their oils, follow their advice
  • Start with smaller dosages to confirm your tolerance level
  • Obtain medical advice if in doubt

Let's dive into the facts and help you make informed decisions about ingestible essential oils.

First and foremost, it's vital to understand that not all essential oils are safe to ingest.

If the oil is safe to ingest, the purity, quality, and type of essential oil matter significantly.

Pure, therapeutic-grade essential oils, when used correctly, can offer numerous health benefits. Common ingestible essential oils include peppermint, lemon, and ginger, which we'll discuss in more detail below.

Essential Oils from Edible Sources

The majority of EOs are safe for consumer use and have been generally recognized as safe (GRAS) status by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Common spices bearing useful EOs include clove, cinnamon, basil, nutmeg, thyme, and oregano.  ScienceDirect

Peppermint essential oil is renowned for its digestive benefits and can be safely ingested in small quantities. A drop of peppermint oil in a glass of water can aid digestion and alleviate symptoms like bloating and gas.

However, always ensure the oil is labeled "safe for ingestion" and start with a minimal amount to gauge your body's response.

Lemon essential oil is another popular choice, often used for its refreshing flavor and detoxifying properties. Adding a drop of lemon essential oil to your water can provide a burst of antioxidants, aiding in detoxification and promoting hydration.

Just like with peppermint oil, ensure it’s of high quality and safe to consume.

Ginger essential oil can be a fantastic remedy for nausea and digestive discomfort. Known for its anti-inflammatory properties, a small amount of ginger essential oil can be diluted in a carrier oil and consumed to relieve nausea. Always use a high-quality oil and follow recommended guidelines for safe consumption.

While these examples showcase oils that are generally safe to consume, some essential oils require more caution.

Note: For some additional examples see the bottom of this page.

Essential Oil Potency Restrictions

Oils like oregano and tea tree oil have potent properties. Although they can offer health benefits, they should only be ingested under professional guidance due to their strong, potentially irritating nature.

  • Oregano essential oil, known for its antimicrobial properties, is powerful and should be diluted properly before any ingesting. This oil can support the immune system but should only be used under professional advice to prevent any adverse effects.
  • Tea tree oil, while commonly used topically for its antiseptic qualities, is generally not recommended for ingestion due to its potency. Consuming tea tree oil can lead to toxicity, so it’s crucial to avoid ingesting it and stick to external applications.

Safety is paramount when it comes to consuming essential oils. Never ingest essential oils directly from the bottle without dilution. Many essential oils are too concentrated and can cause irritation or toxicity if used improperly. Mixing them in small quantities with food, water, or a carrier oil can help ensure safe ingestion.

Another critical point is to consult with a healthcare professional before starting to ingest any essential oils. They can provide personalized advice based on your health condition and ensure that the oil you plan to ingest won't interfere with any medications or medical conditions.

Know Your Source

Sources for Essential Oils

One reliable way to ensure you're selecting pure, high-quality oils is by purchasing from reputable brands that certify their oils are safe for ingestion.

Look for labels like "clinical-grade", "therapeutic-grade" or "food-grade," and avoid oils with additives or synthetic ingredients.

Alternate Methods 

Applying essential oils topically requires caution as well. Essential oils should always be diluted with a carrier oil, such as coconut or olive oil, to prevent skin irritation. Perform a patch test by applying a small amount to your skin to ensure no adverse reactions occur.

Inhaling essential oils can also provide numerous health benefits. Adding a few drops to a diffuser can help alleviate stress, improve mood, and even support respiratory health. This method is generally safe and can be an excellent alternative for those hesitant about ingesting essential oils.

For best results, follow the most effective methods for each type of essential oil used. Whether ingested, applied, or inhaled, understanding the correct application method ensures you reap the benefits while maintaining safety.

Do Your Research

Addressing the existing misconceptions about ingesting essential oils is crucial. Many warnings stem from ingesting low-quality oils or using them improperly. Educating yourself on essential oil safety, such as proper dilution and consulting professionals, can help you safely incorporate them into your wellness routine.

Remember, not all essential oils are created equal. High-quality, pure, therapeutic-grade oils are essential for safe ingestion. Always verify the oil’s source and ensure it lacks additives or contaminants.

Bottom Line for Ingesting Essential Oils

To summarize, while some essential oils can be safely consumed, others require a great deal of caution. Stick to ingestible essential oils like peppermint, lemon, and ginger, and remember always to consult with a healthcare professional before adding any new oils to your regiment.

By correcting common assumptions and exposing false claims, you can make informed choices about consuming essential oils. With proper knowledge and a cautious approach, you can unlock the myriad benefits that ingestible essential oils can offer in a safe, effective manner.

Other Examples of Ingestible Essential Oils

As a "rule of thumb", oils that come from plant foods should be safe assuming the supplier restricts themselves to the plant and doesn't include additives or chemicals.

Plants such as, Anise, Basil, Bergamot, Clove, Ginger, Grapefruit, Lavender, Lemon, Orange, Oregano, Peppermint, Rosemary, Spearmint, Thyme 

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Where Can I Get These Oils?

I don't sell oils but here are my
recommended sources.

The companies I use and recommend guarantee the quality of their oils and I believe you will be satisfied with all your purchases, I am.

If you have any questions/concerns feel free to contact me.

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