Essential Oils for Allergies

Completely natural Essential Oils for Allergies can be very effective and very safe. 

Are you suffering from allergies? Are you looking for a safe alternative to expensive pharmaceutical prescriptions that may come with some unpleasant side affects? 

Whether you have a seasonal allergy, a food allergy, a skin rash or hives, there is an oil or oil blend that can help.

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7 Essential Oils for Allergies

Helichrysum Essential Oil

Helichrysum Essential Oil has anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, antimicrobial, anti-fungal and antibacterial properties which make it a great oil to use in healing respiratory conditions.

It is also an expectorant which can loosen phlegm and provide relief from congestion and cough.

You can apply Helichrysum undiluted directly on problem spots or mix a small amount with some fractionated coconut or jojoba oil to apply to a larger area.

Add Helichrysum to Epsom salts and use it in the bath.

Inhale off a tissue or diffuse into the room. 

Clinical grade oil can be added to your drinking water or a gelatin capsule and consumed daily.

More on Helichrysum Essential Oil

Lavender Essential Oil

Lavender Essential Oil has antihistamine and anti-inflammatory properties which work together as an allergy remedy to relieve allergic reactions such as skin rashes, eczema, nasal congestion and headache.

Application includes:

  • Topically - Apply one drop to small areas of concern or dilute with a carrier oil for larger areas. Indirect application is also effective when you massage a drop on the bottoms of both feet. This method has the added benefit of providing you with a good nights sleep.
  • Aromatically - Diffuse 15 drops to relieve symptoms and cleanse the air. Put a drop on your palms or a tissue and inhale deeply. 

More on Lavender Essential Oil

Lemon Essential Oil

Lemon Essential Oil has cooling anti-histamine and anti-inflammatory properties which work well especially as an allergy remedy against respiratory issues such as congestion.

Lemon can be applied topically to soothe skin conditions or diffused along with lavender and peppermint oils. 

One caution for topical use of lemon or any other citrus oil is that it may increase the chance of sunburn so you should avoid excessive sun exposure after application.

If you need a food allergy remedy, you can detox and eliminate allergens through your sweat and urine by consuming a couple drops of lemon oil or peppermint oil in a glass of water. Lemon is easy but you may want to take the peppermint by gel cap because it can be overpowering.

For seasonal allergies you can disinfect your home by spraying a mixture of 40 drops Lemon Oil, 20 drops Tea Tree Oil and 16 oz of water. Add some white vinegar to the mix for an added punch.

Add a couple drops to your drinking water to stimulate your liver and flush out toxins. This will also help with your immune system as well as respiratory conditions.

Use lemon oil to disinfect your home. It will remove bacteria and pollutants to keep your air clean and fresh. Add it to some water and spray curtains, carpets and furniture as well.

More on Lemon Essential Oil

Oregano Essential Oil

Oregano Essential Oil is very potent as an allergy remedy against allergies, asthma, coughing and sneezing.

  • Take 2 drops with 2-3 drops of a carrier oil under the tongue and allow it to remain for a couple minutes before swallowing.
  • Alternatively, the above mixture can be added to a gel cap and swallowed with water or at meal time. 

More on Oregano Essential Oil

Peppermint Oil

Peppermint Oil causes antispasmodic activity, has anti-inflammatory effects and acts as an expectorant which can provide relief from allergies, asthma and bronchitis by clearing your airways.

It also reduces inflammation and has the ability to discharge phlegm.

To maintain good respiratory health, diffuse peppermint oil, inhale a few drops off your palms or add to a tissue paper and breathe it in.

Inhaling diffused peppermint oil can help unclog your sinuses

If you need a food allergy remedy, you can detox and eliminate allergens through your sweat and urine by consuming a couple drops of peppermint oil or lemon oil in a glass of water. Lemon is easy but you may want to take the peppermint by gel cap because it can be overpowering.

Consume 1–2 drops of clinical grade peppermint essential oil once a day to reduce inflammation.

You can also apply Peppermint oil topically to your chest, back of neck and temples. If you have sensitive skin, you can dilute peppermint with a carrier oil such as coconut or jojoba oil.

More on Peppermint Oil

Roman Chamomile Essential Oil

Put a drop of Roman Chamomile Essential Oil on your palms and inhale to ease seasonal allergies such as itchy eyes, runny nose or sneezing.

For topical application it is best to dilute with a carrier oil like coconut before applying it to your skin. 

It can be applied undiluted to the bottoms of your feet and you will be surprised at how it directly affects other parts of your body.

More on Roman Chamomile Essential Oil

Tea Tree Essential Oil

Tea Tree Essential Oil is an antiseptic agent with anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties.

It can be applied topically to treat skin rashes and hives:

  • Put a couple drops on a cotton ball or Q-tip and apply it directly to the affected area.
  • kill bacteria and microorganisms
  • Help your liver flush out toxins by rubbing 3 drops of Tea Tree and coconut oil over the liver area. 
  • For sensitive skin just add a carrier oil like coconut oil before applying it.

It can also be diffused to kill airborne bacteria, fungi and mold or used as a household cleaner to disinfect your home and eliminate allergens.

More on Tea Tree Essential Oil

Oils for Allergy Remedy

Blends for Allergy Remedy

Allergy Blend (Seasonal)

For Topical Application

The following blend should assist with seasonal allergies which interfere with your breathing.

Blend together equal amounts of each essential oil and then add the blend to a carrier oil (I recommend Fractionated Coconut Oil).

The mixture of essential oils to carrier oil should be about 50:50.

Massage the mixture onto your temples, behind your ears and onto the bottoms of your feet.

This application should open up your airways and make breathing easier for you.

Have A Great Story About Allergy Remedy?

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Where Can I Get These Oils?

I don't sell oils but here are my
recommended sources.

The companies I use and recommend guarantee the quality of their oils and I believe you will be satisfied with all your purchases, I am.

If you have any questions/concerns feel free to contact me.

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