There is treasure to be desired and
oil in the dwelling of the wise. Proverbs 21:20
Patchouli Essential Oil has a pleasing aroma that has been used for centuries in perfumes but became especially popular in the 1960s.
Part of this renewed popularity was undoubtedly due to the release of hormones like serotonin and dopamine making it an effective aphrodisiac supporting feelings of peace, abundance and love.
It has been used in incense, bug repellents, alternate medicines and is considered one of the best home remedies for skin conditions like acne, eczema, inflammation and scarring. Because of its ability to regenerate skin cells, and keep the skin looking healthy and vibrant, it is often used for anti-aging skin care.
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Patchouli has the ability to increase blood circulation and improve the oxygenation of organs and cells in your body resulting in a boost of metabolism and energy levels.
Let's start with some basic information; a brief description of where the oil comes from, what it contains and how it is obtained. The following information is provided by Bill Fifield in his book "Integrated Guide to Essential Oils & Aromatherapy".
This is a book that I highly recommend by the way.
Family: Lamiaceae (Labiatae)
Origins: A native of tropical Asia, especially Indonesia and the Philippines. Also cultivated in India, China, Malaysia, and South America.
Other Names: patchouli, puchaput
Description: A perennial bushy herb with fragran furry leaves and white flowers touched with purple.
Extraction: Essential oil by steam distillation
Botanical Part Used: Dried leaves
Principal Constituents: Patchouli alcohol (approximately 40%), pogostol, bulnesol, and others.
Integrated Guide to Essential Oils & Aromatherapy
by Bill Fifield (forward by Dr. Daniel Penoel)
Patchouli Essential Oil is a warming oil which promotes growth by stimulating new cell generation, the production of red blood cells and increased circulation. This increased circulation improves the oxygenation of your organs and cells as well as a reduction of varicose veins.
The oil is known as a phlebotonic (stimulates circulation in your legs) and is ideal for strengthening the walls of your blood vessels and improving circulation.
Patchouli can be blended with an equal amount of carrier oil and massaged into the affected area to stimulate circulation.
Other Oils for Circulation Main Page for Blood Circulation
Patchouli Essential Oil can be used aromatically in a depression remedy to provide a sense of clarity while removing negative thoughts and emotions.
Patchouli releases pleasure hormones like serotonin and dopamine which makes it an effective aphrodisiac that supports happy feelings of peace, abundance and love.
Diffuse or vaporize patchouli to create a sense of clarity and help relieve anxiety, stress and depression. These calming properties are very effective for relaxation and it is often used during prayer and meditation.
Apply it topically in a 50:50 blend with a carrier oil such as fractionated coconut to overcome anxiety or nervous exhaustion. Simply massage it into your hands and feet for a quick pick-me-up which affects your entire body.
Other Oils for Depression Main Page - Depression Remedy
Patchouli Essential Oil can be used to treat your digestive system and intestinal tract by promoting normal digestion and intestinal function.
Rub 3-5 drops on your abdomen to enhance normal digestion and to treat nausea and diarrhea.
Other Oils for Digestion Main Page - Digestion Problems
Patchouli Essential Oil can be used aromatically to provide a sense of clarity while removing negative thoughts and emotions.
Patchouli essential oil releases pleasure hormones like serotonin and dopamine which makes it an effective aphrodisiac that supports happy feelings of peace, abundance and love.
Diffuse or vaporize patchouli to create a sense of clarity and help relieve anxiety, stress and depression. These calming properties are very effective for relaxation and it is often used during prayer and meditation.
Apply it topically in a 50:50 blend with a carrier oil to overcome anxiety or nervous exhaustion. Simply massage it into your hands and feet for a quick pick-me-up which affects your entire body.
Other Oils for Emotional Balance
Patchouli Essential Oil has antiseptic, astringent, and fungicidal properties which make it ideal for use in caring for a variety of scalp ailments such as:
Exfoliating and Soothing Your Scalp
Oily Hair
Other Oils for Hair Main Page Natural Hair Care
Patchouli Essential Oil has anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and astringent properties which work well in healing hemorrhoids.
It is a warming oil which promotes blood circulation and improves the oxygenation of organs and cells in your body. It stimulates new cell generation and the production of red blood cells.
Patchouli Essential Oil can be used to treat your digestive system and intestinal tract by promoting normal digestion and intestinal function all of which will assist in healing hemorrhoids.
It has also been known to regenerate damaged tissue and cause swollen veins to retract into the rectum.
Patchouli can be applied undiluted, directly on the painful areas.
Other Oils for Hemorrhoids
Main Page - Healing Hemorrhoids
Patchouli Essential Oil is an antiseptic and can be used to prevent cuts or sores on the skin from becoming infected.
It is also effective against fungal infections such as athlete's foot.
Apply 2-3 drops topically to any infected area or, for a generalized area add 10 or more drops to a cup of Epsom Salts in a warm bath.
Other Oils for Infection
Inflammation is the root cause of most disease and this oil is useful in the treatment of both internal and external inflammation.
Patchouli Essential Oil helps to soothe internal inflammation or inflammation-related conditions like gout and arthritis as well as external inflammation such as skin infections or irritations.
Rub the oil on your hands, feet, stomach, lower back as well as any other area that might be inflamed. To assist in application and to make it spread further I suggest you dilute it 50:50 with your favorite carrier oil or lotion.
Other Oils for Inflammation Main Page Chronic Inflammation
Patchouli Essential Oil has been used to repel ant, bedbugs and other pests. Just add a few drops to your sheets or, for personal application, dab some on your wrists.
Other Oils for Insect Repellent
Patchouli Essential Oil is often used for its ability to help with new skin growth and wound healing. Because of this ability it promotes faster healing and helps prevent scarring.
See "Skin Treatment" below for more application instructions.
Other Oils for Scarring
Patchouli Essential Oil is exceptional for all types of skin conditions and can be used to treat skin and hair problems such as:
Dab some Patchouli undiluted on your skin to quickly soothe:
PO should be viewed as a potential therapeutic agent for preventing photoaging.
It has wound healing and scar reducing properties and can even protect against the suns UV rays.
It has been known to regenerate damaged tissue such as in the case of impetigo by applying 3-4 drops in a little water or an application of mild skin lotion. This concentration works well for fungal infections.
Patchouli can be applied undiluted if the infection is on your feet.
Other Oils for Your Skin Main Page - Skin Treatment
Patchouli can help with fluid retention as well as suppressing your appetite.
Mixed with Grapefruit Essential Oil it has been known to reduce cravings and ease hunger.
It can be mixed with your drinking water, diffused into the room or massaged on your chest or wrists.
Other Oils for Weight Management Main Page - Weight Loss
Blends well with:
I don't sell oils but here are my
recommended sources.
The companies I use and recommend guarantee the quality of their oils and I believe you will be satisfied with all your purchases, I am.
If you have any questions/concerns feel free to contact me.
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