There is treasure to be desired and
oil in the dwelling of the wise. Proverbs 21:20
Cinnamon Essential Oil is mentioned in the Bible 4 Times: Exodus 30:23; Song of Solomon 4:14: Revelation 18:13
Cinnamon Essential Oil has been used for medicinal purposes as far back as 1500 BC where the Egyptian Ebers Papyrus showed it being used in over 700 remedies to various symptoms.
In more recent times it is well known for its pleasing scent and has been included in fragrances, cough syrups, nasal sprays, toothpastes, mouthwashes and dental products.
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Let's start with some basic information; a brief description of where the oil comes from, what it contains and how it is obtained. The following information is provided by Bill Fifield in his book "Integrated Guide to Essential Oils & Aromatherapy".
This is a book that I highly recommend by the way.
Family: Lauraceae
Origins: Native to Sri Lanka, Madagascar, and Indochina. It is also grown in Jamaica, India, and Africa
Other Names: Ceylon cinnamon, Seychelles cinnamon, Madagascar cinnamon, true cinnamon, cinnamon bark oil. Cinnamomum zeylanicum is the same as Connamomum verum. Zeylanicum merely refers to the fact that it is grown in Ceylon.
Description: a tropical evergreen with strong branches and thick bark. It has shiny leathery leaves and small white flowers that become blue-white berries. Leaves give off a spicy smell when crushed.
Extraction: Steam distilled essential oil
Botanical Part Used: Inner bark
Principal Constituents: Aldehydes: trans-cinnamaldehyde (greater than 50%), hydroxycinnamaldehyde, benzaldehyde, cuminal; Phenols (up to 30%): eugenol (greater than 30%) and others.
Integrated Guide to Essential Oils & Aromatherapy
by Bill Fifield (forward by Dr. Daniel Penoel)
Cinnamon essential oil is known for its variety of uses and applications.
It is well known for the following properties:
It can be used in drinks, foods, gelatin capsules and massages to address such things as arthritis, diarrhea, menstrual cramps, poisoning, healthy blood sugar, yeast infections, immune system functions and digestive problems.
Cinnamon, a promising prospect towards Alzheimer's disease.
As we age we face increasing attacks from damaged cells called “free radicals”. These free radicals cause damage in healthy cells leading to aging, arthritis, cancer and heart disease etc.
The most powerful weapon we can use against free radicals comes in the form of “antioxidants” which can be found in foods such as red/purple berries, dark green vegetables, fish, nuts, whole grains and ….. some essential oils.
Consuming Cinnamon orally may ease the symptoms of diabetes.
Cinnamon does not contain many vitamins or minerals, but it is loaded with antioxidants (second only to Clove) that decrease oxidative stress. This may potentially protect against diabetes.
This oil is known to increase insulin sensitivity while at the same time lower blood sugar and triglycerides.
Other Oils for Anti Aging Main Page Anti Aging
Cinnamon essential oil is known for its variety of uses and applications including as a candida cleanse.
It is well known for the following properties:
Cinnamon Essential Oil is commonly used as a tool to stimulate the immune system.
It can be used in drinks, foods, gelatin capsules and massages to address such things as arthritis, diarrhea, menstrual cramps, poisoning, healthy blood sugar, yeast infections, immune system functions and digestive problems.
Several studies have shown that cinnamon regulates blood sugar, preventing the spikes that can lead to Candida overgrowth.
Because it is a very strong oil (hot oils) it should be diluted before any topical application.
Other Oils for Candida Main Page - Candida Cleanse
Because of it's blood thinning properties, Cinnamon Essential Oil helps to improve blood circulation which in turn can:
Add a small amount of Cinnamon Essential Oil to some milder oils or a carrier oil. Massage this blend on the area of concern or consume in a Gelatin Capsule to stimulate your circulation, metabolism and digestive system.
Other Oils for Circulation Main Page for Blood Circulation
Put a drop of Cinnamon Oil in a tablespoon of honey and suck on the spoon as needed to reduce the severity of your cold and to serve as a powerful immune booster.
Other Oils for Cold & Flu Main Page - Cold & Flu
Cinnamon Essential Oil is one of the most studied oils for management of diabetes. Studies have shown that it can assist your pancreatic functions, promote weight loss and help lower blood glucose levels.
Cinnamon has demonstrated a positively affect in the release of insulin. This means that it helps to keep your blood sugar stable therefore preventing conditions such as:
It also has demonstrated the ability to lower blood glucose levels, triglycerides levels, LDL cholesterol and total cholesterol.
High quality (clinical grade) Cinnamon Oil can be added to your cooking or inhaled in order to obtain it's blood sugar benefits. Don't go overboard though. Cinnamon is very strong so 1 or 2 drops for the day should be a safe amount to use.
note: If you are using Cinnamon in any form you should actively monitor your blood sugar and check with your doctor. S/he may want to modify your prescriptions to accommodate the affects this oil can have.
Other Oils for Diabetes Main Page - Treatment for Diabetes
Antioxidant effects of a cinnamon extract in people with impaired fasting glucose that are overweight or obese.
Cinnamon Essential Oil can help calm your digestive system and stimulate your appetite.
Add a drop of oil to a warm glass of water or your favorite herbal tea. If the mixture is too strong you can use a toothpick to apply only a trace of the oil to your drink.
For conditions such as a urinary tract infection you can blend 20% Cinnamon Oil with 80% other essential oils / carrier oils and take internally using a gelatin capsule. Do this 3 times a day.
Other Oils for Digestion Main Page - Digestion Problems
According to the Wheeling Jesuit University, Cinnamon Essential Oil has the ability to boost your brain activity and reduce memory loss.
Add 2 drops of Cinnamon Essential Oil to some Epsom salts in a warm bath to ease the effects of frustration, tension and anger that has built up over your day.
Combine Cinnamon with Balsam Fir and Orange Oil in a diffuser to create a pleasant wintery scent that you can enjoy at home in the evening.
Other Oils for Emotional Balance
Create a relaxing wintery scent in your home as discussed in "Emotional Balance" above. Don't be afraid to play with the ingredients to create your favorite environment.
Other Oils for Environment
Cinnamon Essential Oil has the ability to improve blood circulation, reduce inflammation and stimulate healthy tissue growth.
Because cinnamon is a very powerful oil it requires dilution with a carrier oil such as fractionated coconut oil prior to application.
Other Oils for Hemorrhoids
Main Page - Healing Hemorrhoids
To combat infection, blend some Cinnamon Essential Oil with a carrier oil at 20:80 and rub on the affected area.
You can also rub the oil undiluted on the bottoms of your feet.
Other Oils for Infection
Cinnamon Essential Oil is a great warming oil for your muscles prior to your workout. Just rub with a 20:80 blend of cinnamon and carrier oil.
This blend can also be used to:
Other Oils for Inflammation Main Page Chronic Inflammation
Add 2 drops of Cinnamon Essential Oil to some Epsom salts in a warm bath to ease the effects of frustration, tension and anger that has built up over your day.
Combine Cinnamon with Balsam Fir and Orange Oil in a diffuser to create a pleasant wintery scent that you can enjoy at home in the evening.
Other Oils for Stress Main Page - Stress Management
Cinnamon Oil contains high levels of eugenol (greater than 30%) that kills fungus and also boosts immune protection against future infections.
Cinnamon oil a very old and trusted toenail fungus remedy which has been used time and time again with great results.
It can be diluted with a carrier oil such as coconut oil or jojoba oil and applied directly to affected areas as needed, or used in a cotton ball compress on a daily basis.
Other Oils for Toenail Main Page Toenail Fungus
Cleanse your digestive tract by adding a drop of Cinnamon Essential Oil to your drinking water or a cup of herbal tea.
See more detail under the heading "Digestive System" above.
Other Oils for Toxins
Cinnamon Essential Oil is one of the best oils to have in your weight management arsenal. Cinnamon Oil helps to regulate your blood glucose levels as well as your glucose tolerance factor.
As a result, Cinnamon is fantastic if you have diabetes.
Because it helps to balance blood sugar, it removes your sugar cravings resulting in less overeating, increased energy levels and weight loss.
Simply add some Cinnamon Essential Oil to your cooking/baking wherever cinnamon is called for or add it to beverages.
Other Oils for Weight Management Main Page - Weight Loss
Cinnamon Essential Oil blends well with:
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I don't sell oils but here are my
recommended sources.
The companies I use and recommend guarantee the quality of their oils and I believe you will be satisfied with all your purchases, I am.
If you have any questions/concerns feel free to contact me.
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