Bergamot Essential Oil

Bergamot Essential Oil, referred to in Turkish as "The King of the Pears"

Citrus Bergamia

Bergamot Essential Oil, referred to in Turkish as "The King of the Pears" comes from a citrusy fruit that appears to adapt well to the specific needs of the person consuming it.

Bergamot works on pain, digestion, detoxification, fever, minor cuts and scrapes and other skin impurities. It also acts as a deodorizer by eliminating the bad odors and replacing them with its own sweet sent.

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What is Bergamot Essential Oil?

Let's start with some basic information; a brief description of where the oil comes from, what it contains and how it is obtained. The following information is provided by Bill Fifield in his book "Integrated Guide to Essential Oils & Aromatherapy".

This is a book that I highly recommend by the way.

About Bergamot Essential Oil

Family: Rutaceae (citrus)
Origins: Southern Italy at the tip of "The Boot." Also grown in the Ivory Coast of western Africa.
Other names: Bergamot orange. Do not confuse with the herb by the same name: bergamot or bee balm (Monarda didyma).
Description: A small semi-tropical citrus tree, 4.5 meters high, that produces a small yellow fruit resembling a pear.
Extraction: Expressed
Botanical Part Used: The rind or peel of the nearly ripe citrus fruit

Principal Constituents: about 300 compounds, mainly linalyl acetate (30-60%), linalool (11-22%), and other alcohols, sesquiterpenes, terpenes, alkanes, and furocoumarins (including bergapten, the phototoxic ingredient).

Integrated Guide to Essential Oils & Aromatherapy
by Bill Fifield  (forward by Dr. Daniel Penoel)

It is commonly used as a flavoring agent in many foods and beverages. In fact, it is responsible for the distinctive flavor of Earl Grey tea.

When diffused into the air or applied topically it creates a calming environment which promotes confidence and a relaxed mood.

This citrus oil comes from the rind or peel of a small semi-tropical tree with a fruit that resembles a pear. It is mainly grown in Southern Italy and the Ivory Coast of West Africa.

The method used for extraction is cold expression.

Methods of Application


  • Possible skin sensitivity
  • Consult your physician before using if pregnant, nursing, taking medications or have a medical condition  
  • Keep out of the reach of children
  • Avoid direct sunlight or UV rays up to 12 hours after applying
  • Aromatically - Can be inhaled or diffused into the air
  • Topical - Can be applied to the skin (may require dilution with a carrier oil)
  • Internal - Can be taken internally in foods or beverages
  • Dilute - Requires dilution with a carrier oil such as fractionated coconut oil
  • Sensitive Skin - Should be used with caution on delicate skin; a carrier oil may be useful
  • Photosensitivity - Avoid direct sunlight or UV rays for at least 12 hours

Suggested Uses


Bergamot Essential Oil has antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties that work great to fight off acne-causing germs and reduce the flaming red appearance of the pimples.

Bergamot also has astringent effects which can dry and tighten your skin eliminating excess oil and shrinking pores.

Make an acne cream using 2 tablespoons of Shea Butter and 5 drops of Bergamot in a 4 oz amber glass jar. Wash your face with water and then use a small amount of the cream to moisturize.

Other Oils for Acne   Main Page - Acne Skin Care 



Take one drop of Bergamot Essential Oil internally to alleviate insomnia, reduce anxiety and depression and improve symptoms of Alzheimers. You can consume it in a gelatin capsule or put it in your food or water.

It also acts as a mood elevating and calming agent.

Bergamot can be used with Epsom Salts in a hot bath, diffused at night, inhaled off a cotton ball or applied topically to your feet and the back of your neck. (If used topically avoid direct sunlight for 12 hours)

note: Be careful using if you also have diabetes.

Other Oils for Alzheimer's    Main Page - Alzheimer's


If you are suffering from arthritis, add 15 drops of Bergamot Essential Oil to a cup of Epsom salts and take a nice hot bath or massage the area with a 50:50 blend of Bergamot Essential Oil and carrier oil.

Other Oils for Arthritis   Main Page - Arthritis Relief


Bergamot Essential Oil has been found to be a very powerful anti-fungal agent especially when used in a candida cleanse.

As a bonus, Bergamot effectively breaks down the toxins and mucus produced by Candida and will assist your body in repairing itself. 

Other Oils for Candida   Main Page - Candida Cleanse

Cold and Flu

To help lower a fever, take a warm (not hot) bath with 10 to 15 drops of Bergamot in a cup of Epsom salts.

Use a drop in drinking water or juice to enhance immunity or overcome colds, flu, fever, and other infections.

Other Oils for Cold & Flu   Main Page - Cold & Flu


Bergamot Essential Oil has therapeutic properties. It is antiseptic, anti-inflammatory and of course a natural deodorant.

It acts as a deodorizer by eliminating the bad odors and replacing them with its own sweet sent which is fruity, floral, citrusy, sweet, uplifting, lively and fresh.

Bergamot can be added to your deodorant stick or mixed with a carrier oil such as aloe and fractionated coconut and rubbed directly on your skin.

Other Oils for Deodorant   Main Page - Natural Deodorant


Because Bergamot Essential Oil creates a calming environment which promotes confidence and a relaxed mood it works well as part of your depression remedy.

If you are struggling with depression, stress, anxiety, insomnia or nervous exhaustion, try putting 15 drops in a cup of Epsom Salts and take a relaxing hot bath.

I like using it in a steam room but you can also diffuse 20 drops into the air or inhale from a cotton ball placed inside your pillowcase at night.

Other Oils for Depression   Main Page - Depression Remedy

Digestive System

In order to promote normal digestive function and avoid flatulence try rubbing 2-3 drops of Bergamot over your abdomen or take a hot bath with 15 drops mixed in a cup of Epsom Salts. This will also serve to settle your stomach and improve appetite.

To treat a urinary tract infection, try massaging Bergamot Essential Oil in a 50:50 blend with a carrier oil on the afflicted area.

To stimulate your digestion simply add a drop to your drinking water.

Rid yourself of intestinal worms and parasites by consuming a 50:50 blend of Bergamot and a carrier oil in a veggie cap with each meal.

Other Oils for Digestion   Main Page - Digestion Problems

Bergamot essential oil aromatherapy can be an effective adjunct treatment to improve individuals' mental health and well-being.

Emotional Balance

Emotional Balance

If you are struggling with depression, stress, anxiety, insomnia or nervous exhaustion, try putting 15 drops in a cup of Epsom Salts and take a relaxing hot bath.

Alternatively diffuse 20 drops into the air or inhale from a cotton ball placed inside your pillowcase.

Other Oils for Emotional Balance


If you are suffering from inflammation in your joints, muscles, nerves etc. add 15 drops of Bergamot to a cup of Epsom Salts and take a nice hot bath or massage the area with a 50:50 blend of Bergamot Essential Oil and carrier oil.

Other Oils for Inflammation   Main Page Chronic Inflammation


If you are struggling with depression, stress, anxiety, insomnia or nervous exhaustion, try putting 15 drops of Bergamot Essential Oil in a cup of Epsom Salts and take a relaxing hot bath.

Alternatively diffuse 20 drops into the air or inhale from a cotton ball placed inside your pillowcase.

Other Oils for Insomnia   Main Page Insomnia Remedy


To help with a sore throat, mouth infections, or bad breath, just lick a trace of Bergamot Essential Oil off the back of your hand and allow it to mix with your saliva. Swish it around like a mouth wash and then slowly let it slide down your throat. I have found this method very effective for sore throats.

When you feel the beginnings of a cold sore, apply undiluted Bergamot along with Eucalyptus Radiata. I have also used Bergamot Essential Oil by itself and have had excellent results.

Other Oils for Mouth

Reproductive System

Bergamot Essential Oil has been found to be a very powerful anti-fungal agent especially when used in a candida cleanse.

Other Oils for the Reproductive System


The analgesic and antiviral properties of Bergamot Essential Oil can help to ease the pain and effectively heal and dry up the blisters caused by shingles.

Apply a couple drops directly on the affected areas and allow it to work it's magic. 

As an added bonus, Bergamot Oil has antidepressant properties and can help with stress when used in a diffuser

Other Oils for Shingles   Main Page - Shingles Pain

Skin Treatment


Do not expose your skin to direct sunlight for 24 hours after application as you are more likely to get a sunburn.

Bergamot Oil applied directly to a wound will hasten the healing process.

For acne, dandruff or eczema mix 20 drops with your shampoo, conditioner or cleanser or put a couple drops with each application.

Bergamot can also be added to your deodorant stick or mixed with a carrier oil and rubbed directly on your skin to address minor cuts, scrapes or impurities.

Other Oils for Your Skin   Main Page - Skin Treatment

Sore Throat

To help with a sore throat just lick a trace of Bergamot Essential Oil off the back of your hand and allow it to mix with your saliva.

Swish it around like a mouth wash and then slowly let it slide down your throat.

Other Oils for Sore Throat    Main Page - Sore Throat Remedy

Stress Management

If you are struggling with depression, stress, anxiety, insomnia or nervous exhaustion, try putting 15 drops in a cup of Epsom Salts and take a relaxing hot bath.

Alternatively diffuse 20 drops into the air or inhale from a cotton ball placed inside your pillowcase.

Other Oils for Stress   Main Page - Stress Management

Eliminate Toxins

Splash a few drops of Bergamot oil in your sauna or steam room to help promote detoxification.

Other Oils for Toxins

Weight Management

In order to promote normal digestive function and avoid flatulence try rubbing 2-3 drops of Bergamot over your abdomen or take a hot bath with 15 drops mixed in a cup of Epsom Salts.

Add Bergamot oil to a veggie cap and take internally to help regulate your appetite.

Other Oils for Weight Management   Main Page - Weight Loss

Combine with Other Oils

Bergamot Essential Oil blends well with:

Have You Tried Bergamot Essential Oil?

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Where Can I Get These Oils?

I don't sell oils but here are my
recommended sources.

The companies I use and recommend guarantee the quality of their oils and I believe you will be satisfied with all your purchases, I am.

If you have any questions/concerns feel free to contact me.

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