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Insomnia Remedy using Essential Oils
November 21, 2019

Thank you for your interest in Essential Oils. This is the third edition of my "Essential Oil Remedies - God's Medicine Cabinet" which you recently registered for. I hope you enjoy it. Please stay tuned for more to come.

Insomnia Remedy

There are many Essential oils that can be used in an effective Insomnia Remedy.

Many of these oils have been the subject of intense study and have proved themselves among medical professionals to be legitimate courses of treatment.

In this email I am going to share with you a very effective oil blend that you can diffuse, use topically, or a combination of both. I am confident that you will find it helps you fall asleep quickly and hopefully remain asleep for the entire night.

First for a brief introduction …

What is Insomnia?

If you have difficulty sleeping 3 or more nights a week over a 4-week period then you can say that you are suffering from insomnia. It is important for your health that you get about 7 hours of sleep per night. (Children need 9 hours)

This common sleep disorder, which affects 1 in 5 people, can affect your quality of life and even your health.

If you or a loved one is concerned about this problem then perhaps you will be interested in a natural insomnia remedy like essential oils.

My Top Recommendation

For an incredible sleep, rub the following on your neck, the soles of your feet, your forehead and just under your nose. You can also use this blend in a diffuser (available at Amazon) by your bedside for your first 2-3 hours of sleep.

• 2 drops of Lavender Essential Oil - Known for thousands of years for its ability to calm your mind/body and provide a great sleep.

• 2 drops of Roman Chamomile - Relaxes both your brain and your digestive system. It helps in cases of abdominal cramping and in cases of leaky gut and IBS.

• 1 drop of Vetiver Essential Oil - Works on your nervous system to calm your body as well as your nerves. It even helps those who are suffering from nervous conditions such as Dementia, ADHD and Autism.

Optional addition to the above blend:

Ylang Ylang can be used to help your mood, calm anger and introduce feelings of forgiveness in cases where these emotions may be stopping you from going to sleep

Individual Oils

For information on several individual oils that can help with this issue please visit my page Insomnia Remedy.

If you have found this email helpful, please forward it to anyone you know that may also be struggling with this issue.

Thank-you for your interest in essential oils and please watch for further issues.

God Bless,


Essential Oil Remedy for Insomnia

Home page for Essential Oil Remedies

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Thanks again and God Bless,


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